Category: Rant

Paris Hilton Should Have Stayed at a Holiday Inn Express

Poor Paris. It sounds like it was a spectacular scene. Judge Michael T. Sauer preempts Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca and sends Paris packin’ back to prison to serve out the remainder of her 45 day sentence. We learn from our friends at

And once Hilton’s hearing was over and she was returned to jail, the news was even more grim. “Paris Hilton left the courtroom in tears, screaming for her mother,” a Headline News anchor told us, solemnly. “It was not a pretty sight.”

I have never followed Ms. Hilton’s budding career. I don’t see myself ever doing so. For some reason many in the media, at least, seem to obsess with her every move. Sheriff Baca released Hilton, citing Hilton’s “severe medical problems,” yet never specified what those problems might be. Baca perhaps revealed perhaps his true bias when he said, “Punishing celebrities more than the average American is not justice.”

Let’s see. Our national debt right now is conservatively estimated to be at$8.84 Trillion, 3,504 American’s have been killed in Iraq, somewhere between 65,000 and 71,203 Iraqi civilians have been killed – with estimates putting that count closer to 100,000 and beyond, and we have spent $432.93 Billion in Iraq alone.

I don’t feel sorry for Paris. I don’t weep for her. For some reason this she is news.

Grow up, dear.

My Big Secret: I’m Sick of Oprah


Watching Oprah Winfrey this morning only reaffirms for me how out of touch the poor gal is. Her show is airing her road trip with best friend Gayle. We’re being treated to their crazy high jinks in, Oprah and Gayle’s Big Adventure, a la Pee Wee Herman. We get to join the fun as the dynamic duo as they get in a car and <gasp> drive someplace.

In this riveting documentary, we watch as Queen “O” does such shocking things as:

Pump her own gas. In this compelling segment, Queen “O” actually learns how to pump gas. She confesses that the last time she pumped her own gas was during the Reagan years, 1983. Here the audience laughs merrily. They love their Queen.

Pays for her own gas with <gasp> CASH! Here we learn how shocked Queen “O” is to learn that she actually misread the pump display. She thought the gas cost just over $29. But pal Gayle informs her that she pumped over 29 gallons, and actually owes over $129 for the gas! Again there is merry laughter from the audience, especially when Queen “O” opens her wallet to actually show us that she does not have $129!? Oh, can we all relate to that.? She’s just one of us after all.

Oprah is really becoming a sad commentary on our worship of wealth in this country.? Her Big Secret? just reaffirms how out of touch the gal really is.? That’s where we learn that the sick and the poor of the world are actually sick and poor because they don’t visualize themselves any better.? This road trip simply reaffirms my Big Secret:

I’m sick of Oprah.

The Right-Wing Media Must Be Idiots

Matt DrudgeThe right-wing media must be idiots, and their readership not much better.

Now they’re comparing King George II Bush to Bill Clinton: we should not pay any attention to White House involvement in the firing of 8 U.S. attorneys because Bill Clinton did the same thing. In fact, Bill Clinton fired all U.S. attorneys! tells the tale:

From the Drudge Report to the Fox News Channel to the Wall Street Journal editorial page, the usual suspects are shrieking in unison:

Bill Clinton fired a lot of U.S. attorneys too! In fact Clinton was worse because he fired all of them at once! And the Democrats didn’t complain when Clinton did the same thing!

What’s very sad is that the mainstream media just picks this nonsense up and runs it. Here we are with Blame Bill Part XLI, and the “responsible” media doesn’t seem to get it. I suppose it’s much easier to simply report what other people have said on their blogs or websites than it would be to actually go out and investigate whether anything at all on any particular website is the least bit true or hopelessly full of shit.

And why anyone would publish anything Matt Drudge says without checking for veracity first is beyond the scope of reason. Nothing from Drudge, a gay man who backs the gay bashers, should not be taken at face value.

And yet, the song remains the same.? The “Right” speaks, and the mainstream media publishes as if everything that trickles off a blog is a press release.

What a country.

The Passive Tense is Loved by Me

Attorney General Alberto GonzalesI love the passive tense. I can make any observation I want, and really not take responsibility.

“The car was driven into the lake.”? I could’ve said that years ago when I almost literally drove my car into a lake when I mistook ice fishermen on a frozen lake one night for people camping out.

“People are being killed by second-hand smoke.”? Yes, we’ve heard that before.? Philip Morris is so nice to tell us that in their commercials, and then tell us how much they care about those people, and how much overtime they’re working to make sure fewer people die.

What a way to report on the most outrageous, horrifying experiences! The passive tense softens the blow, draws attention away from the caustic. Soon, the screams of the soldiers dying are hardly being heard, uh, by us. The blast of countless explosions in the midst of war are ignored, by us. And justice is denied, by us.

Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales took the cake today, “under criticism from lawmakers of both parties for the dismissals of federal prosecutors, insisted Tuesday that he would not resign, but said, ‘I acknowledge that mistakes were made here.'”

“Mistakes were made here,” the New York Times reported.

What a colossal understatement. He refused to resign, or to take further responsibility. Time to pass the buck. After all, Gonzales isn’t going to take the fall for Karl Rove.

“The White House did not play a role in the list of the seven U.S. attorneys,” said Dan Bartlett, describing President Bush’s role in the active voice.

You see, we can say with great authority that the President did nothing, was completely inactive in this matter. However, we can only nebulously assert that “mistakes were made” by someone, or perhaps a group of people. We’re not quite sure about that yet.

We further learn:

On Tuesday afternoon, at a press conference in an ornate chamber adjacent to his office, Mr. Gonzales pledged to “find out what went wrong here,” even as he insisted he had no direct knowledge of how his staff had made the firing decisions. He said he had rejected an earlier idea, which the White House said was put forth by Ms. Miers, that all 93 of the attorneys, the top federal prosecutors in their regions, be replaced.

“Find out what went wrong here.” We can do that eventually. Something went wrong, and, dammit, we’re going to get to the bottom of what went wrong by someone. And we have to be concerned about King George II:

But inside the White House, aides to the president, including Mr. Rove and Joshua B. Bolten, the chief of staff, were said to be increasingly concerned that the controversy could damage Mr. Bush.

“They’re taking it seriously,” said the other of the two Republicans who spoke about the White House’s relationship with Mr. Gonzales. “I think Rove and Bolten believe there is the potential for erosion of the president’s credibility on this issue.”

We will get to the bottom of this, mind you.

Sorry. Too active.

What went wrong will be discovered by us. Leave your name and email address if you want to know how this ends.

You will be gotten back to on that by us.

Our Deafening Silence

I blog about a war I don’t like.? Others blog.? We run to our computers and read each other’s blogs.? And the terrible war goes on.

I don’t understand the silence — the goddamn deafening silence.? I don’t understand our level of comfort letting this all continue.? Do we really feel that helpless?? Have we become that sensitive to what is political, to getting our people back in office and keeping them there, that we persist in doing nothing?? Are we really that helpless?

America stands by and watches while civilians die, while soldiers die, while children die.? We watch childred die, and really don’t ruffle a feather when the President of the goddamn United States says we should go shopping — shopping — so the terrorists don’t win.

3,189 American soldiers dead.? Soon, it will be time for another moment of silence on Turning Left as soldier 3,200 dies.? 11 to go, and another young man or woman checks out early.

Dulce et decorum est?

I think not.

And neither did Wilfred Owen.

We’re all part of the goddamn, deafening silence.

Oprah off the Deep End

Oprah’s gone off the deep end. She’s selling snake oil.

I almost filed this under humor, if what she was doing wasn’t so harmful. This article on is worth the read. It details how Oprah has bought into the pseudo-philosophy of “The Secret,” by Rhonda Byrne.

“The Secret” espouses a “philosophy” patched together by an Australian talk-show producer named Rhonda Byrne. Though “The Secret” unabashedly appropriates and mishmashes familiar self-help clichés, it was still the subject of two recent episodes of “The Oprah Winfrey Show” featuring a dream team of self-help gurus, all of whom contributed to the project.

The main idea of “The Secret” is that people need only visualize what they want in order to get it — and the book certainly has created instant wealth, at least for Rhonda Byrne and her partners-in-con.

That’s it, just visualize it. Worse, if you’re poor, it’s because you’re blocking wealth with your mind.

From the article again:

Why “venality”? Because, with survivors of Auschwitz still alive, Oprah writes this about “The Secret” on her Web site, “the energy you put into the world — both good and bad — is exactly what comes back to you. This means you create the circumstances of your life with the choices you make every day.” “Venality,” because Oprah, in the age of AIDS, is advertising a book that says, “You cannot ‘catch’ anything unless you think you can, and thinking you can is inviting it to you with your thought.” “Venality,” because Oprah, from a studio within walking distance of Chicago’s notorious Cabrini Green Projects, pitches a book that says, “The only reason any person does not have enough money is because they are blocking money from coming to them with their thoughts.”

Blame the victim.? The poor deserve their lot in life.

The entire article is worth reading and digesting.

Wil Wheaton In Exile

Well, we may remember him from other things (Stand By Me, Star Trek: The Next Generation), but Wil Wheaton has developed quite a blog. And, as opposed to other celebrity blogs, this one has substance, and we like it at Turning Left.

I like his politics.

This entry from January of this year is especially telling:

regarding hersay and coercion

I read at Netscape earlier today that the Pentagon has new rules for detainee trials:

“The Pentagon has drafted a manual for upcoming detainee trials that would allow convicted terrorists to be imprisoned or put to death using hearsay evidence and coerced testimony.”

It should come as no shock to anyone who’s read my blog for more than fifteen minutes that I find this appalling, and I figure the reasons should be obvious to all but about 30% of Americans (give or take 3-5%.)

He goes on to liken the new laws to what may happen in China. Very interesting read.

And I just may purchase his book.

Why I Dropped The Star Newspaper

There are many reasons to stay away from our local media in the south Chicagoland area. The newspapers have become the editor’s blog, opinion masquerading as news. Yes, we know Fox “News” is just a well-financed blog. But the local media drifts that way as well.

Welcome the absurd.

The Star Newspaper, published February 1, 2007, carries this for a front-page headline, complete with this bizarre image:

Chicago Bears and Non-science

A hex on Rex?

Star’s Starology columnist Marybeth Beechen tells us what she sees

What is a “Starologist”? And why is this front page news? Why is this news at all?

Yes, there’s a Superbowl on Sunday. Yes, the Chicago Bears are playing in the Superbowl. But The Star editors thought it necessary to put a “Starologist” on page one? This story sits in the print edition above a story, covered more fully at eNews Park Forest, about the arrest of a murder suspect. Park Forest sees less than one murder a year, so the arrest of a murder suspect within days of a man’s shooting death is news.

But The Star defers to the “Starologist”.

The article itself is even more distressing:

The Chicago Bears are returning to the Super Bowl for the first time in 21 years.

While the ’85 Bears “shuffling crew” were led by peripatetic coach Mike Ditka, today’s 2006 NFC champions follow a kinder, gentler fellow called “Lovie.”

Can sweet Lovie Smith bring the coveted Super Bowl trophy home to Chicago once again? Does his lean, mean and angry team have what it takes?

Perhaps the answer lies in their stars.

The article then goes on to give the details on key members of the Chicago Bears, starting with the coach:

Lovie Smith

Born May 8, 1958 in Gladewater, Texas, Coach Smith is thoroughly Taurus. Taurus is a fixed earth sign, grounded and strong.

Slow, steady and loyal are some key words used to describe the sign of the Bull. Is Smith slow? Listen to his considered speech when talking with reporters. Steady? No camera has yet to catch a frantic Lovie pacing on the sidelines.

Now there’s journalism for you! There’s scientific analysis! There’s front-page news in Chicagoland!

In this era of pseudo-science, this is bizarre and disappointing. So, that was the last straw for me. I called, canceled my subscription, and bid them adieu.

I’ll get my news from other sources.

The Real Cost of War

In an article by New York Times reporter David Leonhardt, we learn the true cost of the war in Iraq. This analysis puts the real cost of the war at $300 BILLION a day.

In the days before the war almost five years ago, the Pentagon estimated that it would cost about $50 billion. Democratic staff members in Congress largely agreed. Lawrence Lindsey, a White House economic adviser, was a bit more realistic, predicting that the cost could go as high as $200 billion, but President Bush fired him in part for saying so.

These estimates probably would have turned out to be too optimistic even if the war had gone well. Throughout history, people have typically underestimated the cost of war, as William Nordhaus, a Yale economist, has pointed out.

But the deteriorating situation in Iraq has caused the initial predictions to be off the mark by a scale that is difficult to fathom. The operation itself — the helicopters, the tanks, the fuel needed to run them, the combat pay for enlisted troops, the salaries of reservists and contractors, the rebuilding of Iraq — is costing more than $300 million a day, estimates Scott Wallsten, an economist in Washington.

The analysis from there only gets more troubling:

The war has also guaranteed some big future expenses. Replacing the hardware used in Iraq and otherwise getting the United States military back into its prewar fighting shape could cost $100 billion. And if this war’s veterans receive disability payments and medical care at the same rate as veterans of the first gulf war, their health costs will add up to $250 billion. If the disability rate matches Vietnam’s, the number climbs higher. Either way, Ms. Bilmes says, “It’s like a miniature Medicare.”

In economic terms, you can think of these medical costs as the difference between how productive the soldiers would have been as, say, computer programmers or firefighters and how productive they will be as wounded veterans. In human terms, you can think of soldiers like Jason Poole, a young corporal profiled in The New York Times last year. Before the war, he had planned to be a teacher. After being hit by a roadside bomb in 2004, he spent hundreds of hours learning to walk and talk again, and he now splits his time between a community college and a hospital in Northern California.

Read the entire article here.

Can’t Rejoice at Saddam Hussein Demise

I can’t rejoice at the demise of Saddam Hussein.

This journey to Iraq has been hell for all of us. It has not ended, and it is not successful. Perhaps this is President George Bush’s wet dream come true. Maybe he’s ecstatic. Maybe he had an extra wonderful Happy New Year because Saddam hung from the gallows. Maybe he was watching via closed-circuit television to watch Hussein’s neck snap. Maybe he screwed Laura when it was all over.? Maybe he drank champagne in the immediate aftermath.
Yes, I think he’s back on the bottle.

Just listen to him, for God’s sake.

But I can’t rejoice. No, Saddam was not a good man. He was not a great human being.

What happened, however, does not add up. It’s not over yet. I don’t even know if most Americans can find Iraq on a map. But we need to learn now. We’re forever linked to the history of Iraq.

Because of George Bush’s wet dream.