Monthly archives: December, 2006

NewsHour with Jim Lehrer

Watching The NewsHour with Jim Jehrer last night, and suddenly the television went dead.? Or so I thought.? I was preoccupied, walking about the house, getting things together for myself.? Turns out the television was not dead at all.? The NewsHour was showing the dead, images of American soldiers killed recently in Iraq.

And I looked with new eyes.? Army.? Army.? Army.? Marines.? Army.? Marines.? I don’t remember freezing like that since the war began.? Now the numbers and the faces meant something different.

Because of my son and his plans.

We all need to wake up.? Desperately.? Too many names and faces already.

Joining the Army

My son met with an Army recruiter today.? He says it went well, and he’s seriously looking at joining the Army.

If he does, he will report on January 15, 2007.

If he does, look for Turning Left to turn seriously left.? I love him like mad, and strongly support his plans for his future.? I know he’s put a lot of thought into this decision.? I want him home.? Alive.? But more than that, I want him to be all that he can be, in this Army of One.? I want him to find his path, his future, his dreams.? I know he’s been thinking about this, and putting it off because of the serious situations we face right now.? Because of the President, his lack of plans, his lack of foresight.? His lack of direction, common sense.

You name it.

My son is very close to joining the Army.

My only son.

My only child.

Who says The Left doesn’t pray?

Bush: 0 and 2 in War

With President George Bush all but rejecting the findings of The Iraq Study Group’s report, we must accept the sad fact that we have lost the war in Iraq. The country is decimated, disorganized, and dangerous. As of this writing, 2,922 American soldiers have lost their lives.


Between 49,642 and 55,048 Iraqi citizens have lost their lives.

This is tragedy beyond comprehension.

We don’t even have a definition of what victory in Iraq might mean. The cause is lost.

ABC news reported tonight that Afghanistan is seeing a resurgence of the Taliban.

Well, consider this. If we lose in Afghanistan also, George Bush will be the first president in United States history to lose two wars.

Two, George. A man who can’t put two words together is on the verge of a uniquely infamous place in U.S. history.

Gingrich Freely Calls for Restrictions on Free Speech

Newt Gingrich, exercising his rights as an American, called out for less free speech for the rest of us:

“We need to get ahead of the curve rather than wait until we actually literally lose a city, which I think could literally happen in the next decade if we’re unfortunate,” Mr. Gingrich said Monday night during a speech in New Hampshire. “We now should be impaneling people to look seriously at a level of supervision that we would never dream of if it weren’t for the scale of the threat.”

Speaking at an award dinner billed as a tribute to crusaders for the First Amendment, Mr. Gingrich, who is considering a run for the White House in 2008, painted an ominous picture of the dangers facing America.

“This is a serious, long-term war,” the former speaker said, according an audio excerpt of his remarks made available yesterday by his office. “Either before we lose a city or, if we are truly stupid, after we lose a city, we will adopt rules of engagement that use every technology we can find to break up their capacity to use the Internet, to break up their capacity to use free speech, and to go after people who want to kill us to stop them from recruiting people.”

Let freedom ring.